Pet Nail Clipper for Cats & Dogs, LED Light, Magnifying Glass Hard Steel Cutting Blade


ADVANCED PET NAIL CLIPPERS with lots of extra features. The nail clipper Safely and comfortably trim your pet’s nails. Pets love how nice it feels. There is no risk of overcutting.

BRIGHT LED LIGHT fully illuminates the nail area. Lets you see nails and paws, making it easier to locate delicate bloodlines. Now you can cut in just the right spot for a beautifully trimmed nail that will not hurt or bleed.

5X MAGNIFYING GLASS reveals details. You are no more squinting and straining to trim your pet’s nails. It helps avoid mistakes that can hurt pets and lead to poorly trimmed nails.

NAIL CATCHER keeps nail pieces from littering the floor and getting lost in the carpet. Reduces the time needed to pick up nails or vacuum. The nail catcher gathers nails so you can easily empty them after trimming.